• Bewitched By The Fine Print Masterclass

Bewitched By The Fine Print Masterclass

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Ever felt like contracts are basically another language? 🤯 Yep, we've been there. Join us for the Bewitched By The Fineprint Masterclass, where we'll unravel the mysteries of the contract world. What's on the menu?
  • Contract Must-Haves: Essentials that every solid contract should include.

  • Common Missteps: Real-life oopsies folks often make (so you can sidestep 'em).


  • Avoiding Pitfalls: Pro-tips on dodging those sneaky contract traps.


So, whether contracts make you wanna celebrate or sob, we've got your back. Transform from contract-confused to contract-confident.    Let's make contracts less "UGH!" and more "AHA!
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